Author Guidelines
1. How to submit
Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts via e-mail sent to the following address:
The text of the email should contain the title of the paper and the name of all authors as presented in the attached manuscript. The manuscripts should be formatted according to the general style and the model paper as presented below.
2. Style and formatting
Page setup:
- Page size: B5
- Margins: 2 cm all sides
- Font Size and Type: 10-pt. Arial
- Line Spacing: Single space throughout the paper.
- Alignment: Fully Justified for main text, but Left Aligned for titles and headings
- Length: The recommend length of paper is around 4000-5000 words / 8-10 pages, including the abstract, figures, tables, diagrams, charts and references.
Preparation of text
Please refer to the Model paper presented here: Model paper.
3. References style
Our Journal uses the Harvard style (information on the Harvard referencing style can be found at: as follows:
References should appear in text in following manner:
When referring to a general argument of a paper: The difficulties in assessing the external impact of CSR (Barth, Wolff and Schmitt, 2007) rise questions regarding which actions are relevant in considering social responsibility and also which are the more profitable investments for companies as well as for society as a whole (Knox and Maklan, 2004).
When referring to a specific paragraph: We have adopted a narrow definition of CSR as ―actions that appear to further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which is required by law” (McWilliams et al., 2005: 3).
In the reference list papers should appear as follows:
Journal articles:
Barth, V. R., Wolff, F. and Schmitt, K., 2007. CSR between Rhetoric and Reality. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 4, pp. 30-34.
Knox, S. Maklan, S., 2004. Corporate Social Responsibility: Moving Beyond Investment Towards Measuring Outcomes. European Management Journal, 22(5): 508–16.
Moon, J., 2007. The contribution of Corporate Social Responsibility to Sustainable Development. Sustainable Development, 15, pp. 296–306.
Articles from electronic journals:
Baleanu, T. S., Chelcea, L. and Stancu, A., 2011 Responsabilitatea Socială Corporatistă a Primelor 100 de Companii din România. O Analiză a Website-Urilor Corporatiste. Amfiteatru Economic [online], XIII (29), pp. 237-250, Available at:, [accessed 10 March 2014].
Gaughan, P.A., 2011. Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings, 5th Ed., New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Chapter in book:
Williams, C.A. and Aguilera, R.V., 2008. Corporate social responsibility in comparative perspective. in A. Crane, A. McWilliams, D. Matten, J. Moon, and D. Siegel Eds. Oxford handbook of corporate social responsibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 452–472.
Books by organizations:
United Nations, 2012. United Nations E-Government Survey. e-Government for people. [pdf]. Available at:, [accessed 31.03.2014].
Vives, A., 2016. Do We Need Yet Another Sustainable Development Goal? [online] Available at [accessed 29.02.2016].
European Commission, 2015. Corporate social responsibility [online], available at: [accessed 29.02.2016].
4. Bio-note
In the end of your paper you should include a short bio-note of all authors. This note should present the authors’ main research interests and results, in no more than 100 words. A model of the bio-note can be found in the OJBE model paper.